Mommy Hack: A Love Reminder For School

Maggie Lord

My oldest son, Jack went off to Kindergarten this fall and just like he did in pre-school, he did it with a big smile and wave. Two weeks into Kindergarten, Jack started to become a very weepy boy at drop-off, this was a completely new experience for me to deal with since Jack had never once had an issue leaving for pre-school. Jack started to explain that all the tears in the morning (and later I found out during the school day) were because he missed both me, my husband and his little brother, Charlie. When I asked Jack why this year was different and why he never cried at pre-school he said it was because the Kindergarten day is so long – I completely understood! Once I understood why Jack was feeling this way my next task was to figure out a good solution, something that would make him feel like I was there with him and that everything would be okay. It hit me early one morning that I could give him a little something with a heart on it to squeeze when he wanted to “feel” my love… Jack has always loved for some odd reason, my makeup sponges which he refers to as “mushy” and ever since he was really little he has loved to squeeze them. So on a Thursday morning I presented Jack with this little idea and I told him he could keep it in his pocket or his backpack and that he could not play with it at school but he could squeeze it if he needed to remember I was there and that I loved him. This little mommy hack worked like a charm and after one week with the “mushy” we had no more cries and now he does not even take the love reminder to school with him anymore!

Love Reminder For SchoolThe simple trick that can ease school anxiety and help kids be happy at schoolSee all the best Mommy Hacks from successful entrepreneur, Maggie Lord

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